Saturday, February 29, 2020

Libraries in the Word

The most relevant libraries in the world

Library of Congress  

The library is housed in three buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
It has more than 167 million total items


British Library

The library is housed in
West Yorkshire
It has more than 170
 million total items

 National Library of China

The library is housed in Beijing
It has more than 70 million total items

The library is housed in Dublin
It has more than 7 million total items

 Library of Admont Abbey

The library is housed in Admont, Austria
It has more than 0,7 million total items

 /Royal Portuguese Library


The library is housed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
It has more than 0,4 million total items

 Library of Leiden

The library is housed in Leiden, Netherlands
It has more than 0,4 million total items

this image was circa 1610


Most Published Books in the World and Books Facts

compiled by Winston Alegranci

Books - Titles in the world

55 millions of titles
10% represent  the 
active catalogue of 

publishing companies;
15% fall into the public domain and
75% – or 40 millions of titles – are books no more marketed nor yet in public domain.
Source: Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

Most Published Books 
1. William Shakespeare (estimated sales: 4 billions)
2. Agatha Christie (estimated sales: 4 billions)
3. J. K. Rowling (estimated sales: 1,1 billions)
4. Barbara Cartland (estimated sales: 1 billion)
5. Harold Robbins (estimated sales: 750 millions)
6. Georges Simenon (estimated sales: 700 millions)
7.Miguel Cervantes (estimated sales: 630 millions)
8.Enid Blyton (estimated sales: 600 millions)
9. Danielle Steel (estimated sales570 millions)
10.Dr. Seuss (estimated sales: 500 millions)
11.Gilbert Patten (estimated sales: 500 millions)
12.Leo Tolstoy (estimated sales: 413 millions)
13.Jackie Collins (estimated sales: 400 millions)
14.Horatio Alger, Jr. (estimated sales: 400 millions)
15. R. L. Stine 
(estimated sales: 400 millions)
16. Corin Tellado (estimated sales: 400 millions)
17. Sidney Sheldon 
(estimated sales: 400 millions)
18. Aleksandr S. Pushkin 
(estimated sales: 357 millions)
19. Stephen King 
(estimated sales: 350 millions)
20. Alexandre Dumas (estimated sales: 350 millions)
21.Charles Dickens (estimated sales: 350 millions)
22. Louis L'Amour (estimated sales: 350 millions)
23. Dean Koontz 
(estimated sales: 325 millions)
24.Saint Exupery(estimated sales: 270 millions)
25.JR Tolkien (estimated sales: 250 millions)
26.Paulo Coelho (estimated sales: 250 millions)